Get the one who got away

It’s Time to Stop Chasing and Start Choosing

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THE Problem

“The woman you choose as a partner is the most important decision you’ll ever make. But, a lot of guys make that decision without any training. Would you go into the boxing ring with a pro - without hiring a coach? No, you go to the guy who’s the best in that game and you learn as much as you can.

By getting good directions, you’ll have a big leg up. If you just to correct the mistakes that most make, you’d have much better outcomes.

But, if you don’t seek this out, it’s just not going to happen.

And that’s why I created Sigma. A place where guys can get good information and attract the right woman.”



For the men who want better results with women and more power in relationships. The girl you’re obsessing over? Time to make her yours. But, this time - she’s chasing you.

Most guys try to “learn by doing”, and end up getting bad results. Harming their confidence and creating a viscous cycle. As a result, quitting altogether.

But with the right information and effort, the cycle is reversed and snowballs in your favor. That’s what you’ll learn inside.

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Questions & Answers

Do I need to be rich for this to work?

One of the biggest mistakes guys make is thinking they need to spend a ton of money to get girls. The principles in this program work no matter how much money you have, or how much you want to spend

Will this work for me?

In all our pre-launch case studies, we have seen great results with guys of all ages, ethnicities, and experience levels. Small changes make a huge difference. 

How quickly will I see results?

You will see results immediately, women will interact differently when you stop making the common mistakes. However, the more you implement the better result you will have. Don’t skip anything, watch the entire course and actively implement what you learn.

Will this work for men of any ethnicity?

Dan has coached guys of all ethnicities and they've all seen great results. By learning the principles, all men can make huge improvements in their lives. Psychology and human behavior work within all cultures. Ethnicity is only a hindrance for the men who allow it to be. You get what you expect.

Will Dan Bilzerian be on the live coaching calls?

Yes. This is Dan's passion project. He'll be on at least one call per month for all Sigma members and once per week for the Sigma Platinum members, he will also be responding to guys in the forums. In addition, Dan’s expert coaches will be available on the forums and weekly zooms as well

Is the group private?

Sigma Society is a completely private community. Even the statement on your bill will show up discretely as "TA-Blueprint"

What happens after 3 months of membership?

After 3 months, you will have the option of continued access to the coaching community for $197/mo or $1200/yr. This is not mandatory and you will not be auto-billed. This is based on opt-in only

Is there a guarantee or refund?

Dan guarantees if you watch all his modules, show up to all the coaching calls, and implement exactly what he teaches, you will unequivocally have positive results.

We do not offer refunds. All sales are final. If you cannot easily afford the program, do not join. If you're the type of guy who may get lazy or quit, do not join. Dan only wants to work with guys who are going to take this seriously.