Where You’ll Learn to Make the Things You Want In Life Come to You

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a new members community

Tap Into the Inner Circle

Join like-minded, driven men in a powerful, yet supportive community with the support of Dan Bilzerian and his team of coaches


Dan Dating Principles

Learn from the man himself on how to make your Setup do the work for you


Fitness & Nutrition principles

Workouts, meals and mindfulness to keep you on track daily


Learn to Build Wealth

Create more leverage in every aspect of your life, and attract more money and success into your life through creative revenue-generation models.


Sigma Community

Connect with other Sigma Males who are upping their game, and foster connections that last a lifetime


What is Sigma Society?

Dan Bilzerian is bringing together the men who want more out of life. The risk-takers and action makers who want to learn to attract the things they want in life.

Membership Includes:

  • Access to a private community of high-caliber men
  • Weekly coaching calls
  • Monthly Q&As with Dan Bilzerian
  • Access to exclusive experiences at the Bilzerian Ranch
  • Makeover experiences, TV features and more

A group focused on setting things up to get what you want, learning to make money, gain leverage, and create “The Setup” for an optimal life.

Get leverage in every aspect of your life, and in everything you do. So that you never have to beg, instead just receive.

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The Attraction Blueprint

Go From Chasing to Choosing


  • 35 New & Original Video Modules
  • Girls, Social Life, Text Game, Social Media, Personal Branding & More
  • Sigma Community (Connect with local Sigmas)
  • Plus bonuses:
  • Youtube Show Castings
  • Weekly Giveaways
  • Onsite Experiences
  • Motivation Mondays (Live)
  • Guest speakers (Live)
  • Member shout-outs
  • Transformation prizes


“I’m Going to Show You How to Stack the Deck to Win”

Learn the fundamentals of creating attraction your life - with women, wealth and health. It can all be yours.

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Becoming Legendary

exclusive content not published anywhere else

Sigma Society members get access to top mentors, strategies and community

  • Dating
  • Wealth
  • Fitness

Financial Domination

This series will arm you with the information you need to start building your wealth. They don’t teach this in school, so dive in and learn to stack chips like a boss

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The Roadmap to Getting Ripped

This series will equip you with the tools and tactics to lose weight, get shredded and maintain a physique worthy or wearing the Sigma name.

30 Minutes

Women: Game Theory Unleashed

This section teaches you everything you need to know (and were afraid to ask) about attracting women.

30 Minutes

Women: Game Theory Unleashed

This section teaches you everything you need to know (and were afraid to ask) about attracting women.

30 Minutes

Women: Game Theory Unleashed

This section teaches you everything you need to know (and were afraid to ask) about attracting women.

30 Minutes

The Roadmap to Getting Ripped

This series will equip you with the tools and tactics to lose weight, get shredded and maintain a physique worthy or wearing the Sigma name.

30 Minutes


Never-Before-Seen Private Trainings by Dan

What’s included: 35+ video trainings, a tier-1 group of high achievers, and weekly live coaching.

sigma society Videos


  • The Attraction Triggers and Becoming Magnetic
  • Establishing and Maintaining Power in your Life & Relationships
  • Communication Essentials: Learn to Walk and Talk with Style
  • Building Power & Status in a Social-Dominated World
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What you will learn

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ready to level up?

Women, Dating & Relationships

This is the single most important decision a man makes in his life, yet so many guys skip over the fundamentals. Who you choose determines how you life, where you live, and what you can and can’t do. Members of Sigma will learn from Dan on how to maintain a powerful frame that prevents you from slipping, while learning to attract the dream girl.

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ready to level up?

Wealth Creation & Attraction Secrets

Dan and his inner circle of investment advisors, strategists and finance experts bring together the most impactful techniques you can use to get massive leverage, multiply your outcomes without increasing your inputs, and become magnetic for success.

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ready to level up?

Fitness Secrets & Biohacking

Your physical health is equally important to other key pursuits in life. In the community, Dan and his personal trainer as well as his other experts in nutrition, diet and biohackers share their secrets to achieving a sustainable, optimal body and mind.


Member Testimonials

Sigma Society members get personalized recommendations designed to optimize your results.

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“I created Sigma to empower men to take back the power that they were born with. The truth is - most guys simply have bad information, thanks to the media and Hollywood’s BS narratives."

It's time to fix that by getting guys the right information to actually succeed in life.

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Meet your Sigma Society Coaches

A world-class team to help you reach your goals.



Sigma Society members get personalized recommendations designed to optimize your results.

"That call was insane to say the very least, getting just that short insight into Dan's view on the various topics discussed will be something I remember forever." -

Max Hill, London UK


A Private Membership for High Performers

Have you ever had the chance to directly connect directly with people who have done exactly what you want to do, and learn from them?

Sigma Society Students support each other, overcome problems as a community, and celebrate our achievements.

  • 50+ Hours of Hard-Hitting Original Video Content
  • Weekly Live Sessions
  • Access Dan’s Top-Secret Hacks to Maximize Your Life
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200 seats

Sigma Society is unlocking its doors for 200 lucky young men. Get hands-on coaching, including the opportunity to connect with Dan Bilzerian

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Sigma Society is invite-only. Join the Waitlist Below to Get Access When We Reopen Enrollment

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Questions & Answers

Who can join?

I am always drawned into energy work or practice ever since I joined Mindvalley and go through some of the quests related, but I never really thought about how to align it with the body movements.

What is required to get an invite?

I am always drawned into energy work or practice ever since I joined Mindvalley and go through some of the quests related, but I never really thought about how to align it with the body movements.

How do I apply?

I am always drawned into energy work or practice ever since I joined Mindvalley and go through some of the quests related, but I never really thought about how to align it with the body movements.

When does enrollment re-open?

I am always drawned into energy work or practice ever since I joined Mindvalley and go through some of the quests related, but I never really thought about how to align it with the body movements.

Where can I learn more?

I am always drawned into energy work or practice ever since I joined Mindvalley and go through some of the quests related, but I never really thought about how to align it with the body movements.