Stop Chasing Start Choosing

Learn to Attract and Keep the Woman You Want, Without Needing Looks or Money



“Guys get coaching for everything - skiing, golf - but never with women.

Seems crazy because your golf swing won’t determine if you have kids with a solid woman, or if you end up with a fat nagging wife.

Getting the right directions is critical if you don’t wanna waste your time and get unnecessary rejections. Just avoiding the mistakes 99% of guys make will transform your life.

I'm so tired of seeing women manipulate and b*tch around guys. They get cheated on, taken advantage of, and too often ghosted. I feel like I needed to do this because I spent the better part of my life focused on feeding my s*x addiction and I learned a lot in the process, which is why I can tell you for a fact, the so called dating coaches out there don’t know what the f*** they’re talking about."


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"Most guys think they can “learn by doing” and end up getting subpar results because women rarely give honest feedback as to why they don’t want to date or sleep with you, and they don’t always know themselves.

This lack of feedback and bad results leads to a downward spiral. But with the right information, the cycle is reversed, and momentum can immediately shift in your favor."

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Dan dedicated over a year to creating and refining the Optimal Game System to a point where guys were consistently getting incredible results from the process.


Join the Program

Attract and keep the woman you want, without her pulling away and without risking rejection.

What you get:

  • Dan's Optimal Game System
  • Live Zooms with Dan Bilzerian
  • Celebrity Guest Speakers
  • Private Community
  • Limited Release Bonuses
Questions & Answers


Do I need to be rich for this to work?

Dan actually encourages guys to not lead with money when it comes to attracting women.

One of the biggest mistakes men make is thinking that they need to have money to attract women. This is simply not true.

The principles in this program work regardless of income.

Will Dan Bilzerian be on the live coaching calls?

This is Dan's passion project. He'll be on one call per month for Silver Members and one call per week for Platinum Members.

Dan's also put together a team of experts to coach you on the program's principles and answer your questions

Will this work for me?

Dan’s program can help any guy. It will show you all his best tips, tricks and secrets that will make women more attracted to you.

How you look or how much money you have doesn't matter.

Will this work for men of any ethnicity?

Dan’s unique principles are effective regardless of your ethnicity, or any other limiting belief.

Human psychology does not care about ethnicity, and you shouldn’t either.

What happens after 3 months of membership?

After 3 months, you will have the option of continued access to the program and community for $197/mo or $1,200/yr.

This is not mandatory and you will not be auto-billed. This is based on opt-in only.

How quickly will I see results?

Your mindset will shift and many see results almost immediately.

However, most people see the best results once they've been through the entire 12 week program.

Is the group private?

Sigma Society is completely private. The statement on your bill will show up as "Sigma"

Is there a guarantee or refund?

If you can’t afford it, do not join. If you think you may quit halfway through, do not join.